20231 h 16 min 45 secFilm

Réalisation: Habibata OuarmeJim Donovan

Production: Denis McCready (National Film Board of Canada)Nathalie Cloutier (National Film Board of Canada)Christine Aubé (National Film Board of Canada)

Scénarisation: Habibata OuarmeJim Donovan

A production of the National Film Board of Canada.

With candor, humour and courage, the main characters in KOROMOUSSO: Big Sister challenge cultural taboos surrounding female sexuality and fight to take back ownership of their bodies. In their quest for individual and collective healing, these radiant, endearing women support each other on a journey that allows them to overcome the trauma of female genital mutilation and rebuild their self-esteem. Speaking for themselves and on their own behalf, they oppose social control of their bodies, inspiring an entire generation of young Canadians and immigrants. “I want the missing piece of me back. I want to be an accomplished woman, a complete woman,” confides Safieta, determined to begin the restorative process undertaken by the film’s co-director, Habibata Ouarme, in 2013.

According to UNICEF, at least 200 million girls and women aged 15 to 49 from 31 countries have been subjected to FGM. Today, many of these women live in Canada, where although the practice is banned, reconstructive surgery is not offered. By interweaving personal accounts of victims of FGM and Habibata’s own journey, KOROMOUSSO: Big Sister explores the phenomenon of FGM as experienced by African immigrant women in Quebec.

Taking a collaborative, inclusive approach and demonstrating immense cultural sensitivity, Habibata and co-director Jim Donovan also examine the shame that can be felt by women subjected to FGM, both socially and when engaging with the Western medical system, which is largely unresponsive to their experience. While attitudes in Africa are slowly changing, the film shows that if all Canadian women are to have access to equitable sexuality, more education is needed within the Quebec and Canadian healthcare system—a task that may well be initiated by these brave sisters in struggle.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Diversité culturelle et Multiculturalisme > Population d'origine africaine
  • Pays en développement > Santé en AfriqueReligion et Traditions
  • Société > Violence envers les femmes
  • Psychologie et Psychiatrie > Femmes
  • Santé et Médecine > Femmes


Habibata Ouarme
Jim Donovan
Habibata Ouarme
Jim Donovan
Habibata Ouarme
Vanessa Abadhir
Jim Donovan
Habibata Ouarme
Denis McCready
enregistrement sonore
François Normandin
gérant de production
James Edward
Érik Cimon
Habibata Ouarme
directeur de l'enregistrement de la narration
Mélanie Dubois
François Normandin
enregistrement du bruitage
Karla Baumgardner
montage sonore
Catherine Van Der Donckt
conception sonore
Catherine Van Der Donckt
musique originale
Jenny Salgado
musique - collaboration
André Courcy
André Courcy
Sadio Sissokho
Chantal Bergeron
Jenny Salgado
Fabiola Aladin
Safieta Sawadogo
Zainabou Ouedraogo
Papa Ladjiké Diouf
Angela Deane
Michel Akotionga
Vanessa Zandi Simba
Edwige Goli
étude de sécurité
Aléas inc.
Burkina Faso/Ivory Coast
Tom Gauvreau
Éric Beauséjour
soutien technique
Pierre Dupont
Marie-Josée Gourde
Patrick Trahan
montage en ligne
Denis Pilon
prise de son au bruitage
Geoffrey Mitchell
mixage sonore
Shelley Craig
coordonnateur technique
Jean-François Laprise
coordonnateur de production
Sara Sajedi
Isabelle Gatti
agent, marketing
Judith Lessard-Bérubé
Nathalie Guérard
Alexandrine Torres de Figueiredo
Sia Koukoulas
production déléguée
Alexandrine Torres de Figueiredo
Geneviève Duguay
conseiller juridique
Julie Patry
producteur exécutif
Denis McCready
Nathalie Cloutier
Denis McCready
Christine Aubé
MELS Studios
MELS Studios

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix JeunesFestival International du Film Documentaire de Martinique
  • Honourable Mention- Feature DocumentaryFemale Eye Film Festival