The Lake Winnipeg Project

202153 min 17 secSérie: Documentaire

Réalisation: Kevin Settee

Production: Alicia Smith (National Film Board of Canada)David Christensen (National Film Board of Canada)

Scénarisation: Kevin Settee

A production of The National Film Board of Canada.

The Lake Winnipeg Project is a four-part documentary series that calls attention to stories of ingenuity and resilience among the Anishinaabe, Cree and Métis communities of Matheson Island, Poplar River First Nation, Fisher River Cree Nation and Camp Morningstar, at a time when many external forces are imposing change. The series highlights their responses to various challenges and factors such as a shifting climate, industrial encroachment, government policy, and the COVID-19 pandemic, among others. Anishinaabe/Cree director Kevin Settee takes an “own-voices” approach to storytelling that gives Lake Winnipeg communities and peoples the opportunity to tell their own stories, in their own voices, and to speak to the challenges and successes experienced within their communities.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Société > Entraide et Projets communautaires
  • Peuples autochtones au Canada (Premières Nations et Métis) > ÉducationQuestion environnementalePêcheMétisProvinces des Prairies
  • Environnement et Conservation > Autochtones et l'EnvironnementEau et Cours d'eau


Kevin Settee
Kevin Settee
Alicia Smith
producteur exécutif
David Christensen
directeur de la photographie
Scott Parker

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