Women on Patrol

200454 minFilm


Réalisation: Barry Lank

Production: Joe MacDonaldGraydon McCrea

At nightfall in East Timor, a father kidnaps his daughter. He's suspected to be armed and dangerous, and the family is frantic. On the scene are Canadian police constables Martine LeRoyer of Montreal and Debbie Doyle of Edmonton, who have just joined the United Nations Civilian Police. Their first assignment is to rescue the little girl from a tiny, ramshackle house.

Since Indonesia occupied East Timor in 1975, the island has been devastated by horrifying violence and genocide. Now, large-scale international efforts are focused on stabilizing the region. Doyle and LeRoyer face enormous challenges on their nine-month tour of duty, from adapting to a new culture and gaining the trust of frightened communities to performing perilous and heartbreaking police work.

This gripping documentary follows the two women, from the capital of Dili to remote villages, chronicling the aftermath of the atrocities that haunt East Timor. Combining intimate interviews, up-close footage and diary cams, Women on Patrol is a riveting look at the rebuilding of a nation, and how the experience profoundly transforms these women--as police officers and as humans.

Catégories de sujets

  • Pays en développement > Asie du Sud-EstChangements sociauxFemmes et Condition de la femme
  • Femmes > Femmes dans les pays en développementEmplois non traditionnels
  • Droit et Criminalité > Droit international et militaireFemmes et Système judiciaire
  • Femmes - Portraits > Travail non traditionnelEngagement social
  • Sécurité et Défense > Maintien de la paix
  • Sciences humaines > Le Canada dans le monde contemporainLes communautés au Canada/Dans le mondeDéveloppement/Education mondialeLoi
  • Éducation civique/À la citoyenneté > Droits humains


Barry Lank
prise de vues
Barry Lank
Bonnie Dickie
photos en noir et blanc
Gerald Meyers
prise de son
Brock Capell
assistant à la prise de vues
Linda Danchak
compositeur de la musique
Michael Richard Plowman
assistant monteur
Don Steggles
montage son
Saul Henteleff
Ana Maria Elizabet Sulis Januario
Rosario Tilman
Luis Gama
Shelley Craig
Geoffrey Mitchell
préparation de graphiques
Louise Overy
Louise Overy
monteur en ligne
Sylvain Desbiens
Denis Gathelier
assistant de production
Monique Perron
Melanie Coad
superviseur de production
Scott Collins
commis à la production
Rolande Petit
administrateur de studio
Cyndi Forcand
Joe MacDonald
producteur exécutif
Graydon McCrea