Voices Across the Water

20221 h 24 min 3 secFilm


Réalisation: Fritz Mueller

Production: Teresa Earle (Sagafish Media Inc.)Shirley Vercruysse (National Film Board of Canada)Fritz Mueller (Sagafish Media Inc.)

Scénarisation: Teresa Earle

A Sagafish Media and the National Film Board of Canada co-production.

There is a moment during the construction of a canoe when its true form is revealed. A hull drops into place. The elegant arc of a bow cuts forth. A similar process sometimes occurs in life, when a person finally discovers their true path.

Fritz Mueller and Teresa Earle’s feature documentary Voices Across the Water follows two master boat builders as they practise their art and find a way back to balance and healing.

For Alaskan Tlingit carver Wayne Price, fashioning a dugout canoe from a single massive red cedar tree is a way to reconnect to the Ancestral Knowledge of Indigenous craftspeople. Wayne’s long hours of labour are buoyed by silly jokes and deep conversation with a new young apprentice, Violet.

Francophone artist Halin de Repentigny hand-makes birchbark canoes, like those once used by the voyageurs. Harvesting raw materials from the Yukon forest, Halin works in painstaking fashion to create his light, strong vessels, lovingly embellished with his fanciful artwork.

But what happens when the old ways are lost? For Wayne, building boats is a means to pass on his skill and expertise to the next generation, while Halin’s labour is more introspective, but both men understand the fragility of knowledge. Connected by their devotion to craft and the critical importance of succession, they carry forward the ancient art of navigating life’s unexpected currents and eddies.

In the final meeting of wood and water, the vessels are launched, carrying friends and family in joyous communion: their journey complete.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Arts > Arts et Artistes
  • Artisanat > EmbarcationsSculpture et Sculpture sur bois
  • Peuples autochtones au Canada (Premières Nations et Métis) > Bateau et CanotColombie-BritanniqueIdentité culturelle
  • Arts visuels > Ouest du Canada


Fritz Mueller
Teresa Earle
Teresa Earle
Shirley Vercruysse
Fritz Mueller
directeur de la photographie
Fritz Mueller
Graham Withers
Teresa Earle
Jordy Walker
mettant en vedette
Halin de Repentigny
Wayne Price
Violet Gatensby
Duncan Spriggs
Jake Armstrong
Joe Migwans
Tim Ackerman
Melvin Williams
Roberta Wally
Keith Wolfe Smarch
Whitney Hartigan
Cherri Price
gérant de production
Teresa Earle
prise de son
Fritz Mueller
archives visuelles
Duncan Spriggs
caméra additionnelle
Bill Kendrick
Brian Ladue
montage sonore
Stackwall Sound
conception sonore
Stackwall Sound
montage son
Jordy Walker
Kyle Cashen
Jordy Walker
composition additionnelle
Jesse Zubot
Fritz Mueller
conception des titres
Jenn Strom
réalisation graphique
Mary Binsted
sous-titres pour malentendants
Line 21 Media Services Inc.
coordonnateur postproduction
Teresa Earle
Richard Malvasio
Bamby James
Waughnita James Elton
Emily Sheakley
Herb Kaaxh Tséen Sheakley Jr
Rose Willard
Andrew Robinson
RJ Santos
Claus Schytrumpf
Michel Vincent
bateau accompagnateur
Tommy Taylor
Adam Zenger
Wayne Price
pirogues monoxyles
Wayne Price
Halin de Repentigny
canots d'écorce
Halin de Repentigny
services juridiques
Boughton Law
Austring Fairman and Fekete
Front Row Insurance
production déléguée
Jennifer Roworth
coordonnateur technique
Wes Machnikowski
administrateur de studio
Carla Jones
coordonnateur principal de production
Nathan Conchie
Nicolas Ayerbe Barona
agent, marketing
Kay Rondonneau
agent de publicité
Katja De Bock
producteur exécutif
Shirley Vercruysse