Collection ONF
The Man from Petrocan
198454 min 15 secFilm: Documentaire
Réalisation: Ron OrieuxLarry Pratt
Production: Jerry KrepakevichTom Radford
Scénarisation: Larry Pratt
Bill Hopper has a job to do. His mandate: to get Canada's energy reserves out of the hands of the multinational oil companies and back into the hands of Canadians. The Man from Petrocan looks at the country's controversial government-owned oil company, Petro-Canada, and its dynamic founder, chairman and chief executive Wilbert (Bill) Hopper. From the board-rooms of Petrocan to Europe and South America, the camera follows Hopper as he forges deals on the international oil scene and responds to critics who question whether the government should be involved in the oil industry.
Catégories de sujets
- Industrie et Commerce > Pétrole et GazPortraits
- réalisateur
- Ron Orieux
- Larry Pratt
- producteur
- Jerry Krepakevich
- producteur exécutif
- Tom Radford
- scénario
- Larry Pratt
- cinématographie
- Ron Orieux
- son
- Richard Patton
- montage
- Frank Irvine
- montage sonore
- Glenn Ludlow
- ré-enregistrement
- Jean-Pierre Joutel
- narrateur
- Jon Granik