Collection ONF
The Champagne Safari
19951 h 33 min 55 secFilm: Documentaire
Réalisation: George Ungar
Production: George UngarJohn WalkerGordon MartinHarold CrooksMark Zannis
Scénarisation: Steve LucasJohn KramerHarold Crooks
Produced by Field Seven Films in association with the NFB, with the financial assistance of Telefilm Canada, the Ontario Film Development Corporation, the Canada Council, the Ontario Arts Council and with the participation of the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board and the Canadian Studies Directorate of the Secretary of State.
In May 1934, Charles Bedaux proposed to venture 1,200 miles over the Rocky Mountains to Telegraph Creek, British Columbia. So began Bedaux's outlandish champagne safari. Floyd Crosby, an Academy Award-winning cinematographer, meticulously documented every stage of the trek. Bedaux had made his fortune as one of the greatest harnessers of mass labour since the Pharoahs. His connections were global, his political leanings suspect. At the age of 22, he discovered ways to make fellow employees work more efficiently, thereby increasing production. He established a consulting firm that not only analysed and streamlined industrial tasks, but also decided the pace at which tasks would be performed. By 1925 Bedaux had a string of blue-chip industrial clients. By 1927, at the age of 40, he was so rich that he bought the Chateau de Condé, a French castle in the Loire Valley which became his principal base of operations. Bedaux's goal was to remain rich and powerful no matter how the world shifted politically. Was Bedaux a Nazi? Historians have fiercely debated the question.
Catégories de sujets
- Politique et Gouvernement > Portraits
- Conflits, Guerres et Paix > PortraitsSeconde Guerre mondiale
- Industrie et Commerce > Portraits
- Histoire > Histoire mondiale
- réalisateur
- George Ungar
- producteur
- George Ungar
- Mark Zannis
- producteur exécutif
- John Walker
- producteur associé
- Gordon Martin
- Harold Crooks
- scénario
- Steve Lucas
- John Kramer
- Harold Crooks
- cinématographie
- Floyd Crosby
- Kirk Tougas
- Douglas Kiefer
- son
- Sylvia Poirier
- Hank Bridgeman
- Peter Sawade
- Gary Marcuse
- Art Lopez
- montage
- John Kramer
- montage sonore
- André Chaput
- voix
- David Hemblen
- ré-enregistrement
- Jean-Pierre Joutel
- narrateur
- Colm Feore
- musique
- Normand Roger
- Denis L. Chartrand
Prix et récompenses
- Meilleur long métrage documentairePrix Génie
- Certificat de mérite - Catégorie: Documentaire-histoire/biographieFestival international du film