The Sterilization of Leilani Muir

199646 min 56 secFilm

Réalisation: Glynis Whiting

Production: Graydon McCreaJerry Krepakevich

Scénarisation: Amanda McConnell

Twenty-five years ago Leilani Muir was informed she would never be able to conceive a child. Unbeknownst to her, at the age of fourteen, she had already been sexually sterilized, by an Act of the Alberta government. The film entwines her personal search for justice with the background story of eugenics, a respected "science" during the early decades of the twentieth century. In 1928, the Alberta government, supported by some of society's most prominent members, passed the Sterilization Act. By the time the Act was repealed in 1972, the lives of nearly 3,000 individuals were irreparably changed. Included in the wide net of people considered "unfit" to bear children were new immigrants, alcoholics, epileptics, unwed mothers, the poor and native people. The film opens as Leilani concludes years of emotional and legal preparation and steps into court to sue the Alberta government.

Catégories de sujets

  • Droit et Criminalité > Droits de la personneFemmes et Système judiciaire
  • Sexualité et Reproduction > Infertilité
  • Santé et Médecine > Sexualité et Reproduction
  • Femmes > Sexualité et Reproduction
  • Éducation civique/À la citoyenneté > Droits humains
  • Santé/Formation personnelle > Sexualité


Glynis Whiting
Graydon McCrea
Jerry Krepakevich
producteur exécutif
Graydon McCrea
Amanda McConnell
Ken Hewlett
Clancy Livingston
Wayne Anderson
montage sonore
Downy Karvonen
Paul Sharpe
Kelly Cole
Judy Mahbey
Gord Marriott
Thomas Peacocke
Jan Randall
Elizabeth Klinck
Ruth McDonald
Russell Mulvey
Maureen Prentice
Karen A. Wyatt
Theresa Wynnyk

Prix et récompenses

  • Certificat d'ExcellenceItinérant - HESCA Film Festival
  • certificat de mériteItinérant - Western Psychological Association (WPA) Film Festival