Remember Africville

199135 minFilm


Réalisation: Shelagh Mackenzie

Production: Daryl GrayShelagh MackenzieGermaine Ying Gee WongSami Fareed Ahmed

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada in association with the CBC.

Africville, a small black settlement, lay within the city limits of Halifax, Nova Scotia. In the 1960s, the families who lived there were uprooted and their homes demolished in the name of urban renewal and integration. Now, more than twenty years later, the site of the community of Africville is a stark, under-utilized park. Former residents, their descendants and some of the decision-makers, speak out and, with the help of archival photographs and films, tell the story of that painful relocation.

Catégories de sujets

  • Diversité culturelle et Multiculturalisme > Population d'origine africaineProvinces de l'AtlantiqueCommunauté noireProblèmes sociaux depuis 1970
  • Urbanisme > Provinces de l'AtlantiqueConditions sociales
  • Diversité > Études noiresDiversité dans les communautés
  • Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté > Enjeux de la société d'aujourd'hui


Shelagh Mackenzie
Daryl Gray
Shelagh Mackenzie
producteur exécutif
Germaine Ying Gee Wong
Sami Fareed Ahmed
Kent Nason
André Gariépy
Arthur McKay
Shelagh Mackenzie
Kent Nason
Eric Campbell
montage sonore
Alex Salter
Howard England
Delvina Bernard
Scott MacMillan

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix Escargot de lune - catégorie: Meilleur documentaireAtlantic International Film Festival