La Plante humaine

19971 h 18 min 9 secFilm: Expérimental, Animation


Réalisation: Pierre Hébert

Production: Yves LeducFreddy Denaës

Scénarisation: Pierre HébertAnne Quesemand

Co-produced by the NFB and Arcadia Films (France).

This meditative film combines animation and live action as it follows a day in the life of a retired librarian. The Gulf War is raging, but Michel's life proceeds at its own pace. Widowed and alone, he fills his day with the simplest of tasks: feeding and walking his dog, shopping, laying flowers at his wife's grave. Yet these simple gestures belie the internal workings of his mind. Michel's life teems with information and images. There is a book on Leonardo da Vinci and another of fables and legends as well as the omnipresent television with its news reports, documentaries and cooking shows. How does one make sense of it all? How does Michel? In French, with English subtitles.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Société > Société de consommationMédias et Consommation
  • Religion et Philosophie > Existence et Condition humaine
  • Médias et Communications > Culture des médiasTélévision


Pierre Hébert
Pierre Hébert
Yves Leduc
Freddy Denaës
Pierre Hébert
Anne Quesemand
Barry Wood
Michel Dubois
Michael Cleary
caméra d'animation
Raymond Dumas
Claude Beaugrand
Fernand Bélanger
montage sonore
Christian Marcotte
Michel Gauvin
mixage son
Serge Boivin
Joseph Rouleau
Michelle Allen
Domini Blythe
Laurent Chabot
Marisa Corriols
Denis Karegeya
Robert M. Lepage
Sotigui Kouyaté
Michael Lonsdale
Philippe Lefait
Marc-Alain Ouaknin
Ignacio Ramonet
Agnès Stacke
Dai Sijie

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix AQCC-SODEC - décerné au meilleur long métrage - assorti d'une bourse de 5,000$Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma
  • Prix Spécial du JuryFestival international du film sur l'environnement