
20081 h 48 min 28 secFilm


Réalisation: John Walker

Production: Andrea NemtinKent MartinJohn WalkerBill Nemtin

Scénarisation: John WalkerAndrew Rai Berzins

Produced by PTV Productions and John Walker Productions in co-production with the National Film Board of Canada, with the participation of the Canadian Television Fund, Rogers Documentary Fund and Film Nova Scotia, in association with History Television, BBC Scotland, Nova Scotia Film Industry Tax Credit, OMDC, and CAVCO.

It was news that shook the English-speaking world. Celebrated British explorer Sir John Franklin and his crew of 128 men had perished in the Arctic ice during an ill-fated attempt to discover the Northwest Passage. More shocking, they had descended into madness and cannibalism.

The report came in 1851, from John Rae, a Scottish doctor working for the Hudson's Bay Company. Travelling thousands of miles on foot and in small craft, Rae had done what six years of searching by the British, Americans, French and Russians had failed to do - discover the fate of Franklin and unlock the final link in the Passage - a 300-year-old dream.

But Rae's horrific news did not sit well with Sir John's widow, Lady Franklin, nor with many others in British society, including Charles Dickens. They waged a bitter public campaign that would discredit Rae's version of events, banish him to the margins of history and mark an entire nation of northern Inuit with the horrifying label of murderous cannibals.

With Passage, filmmaker John Walker employs an innovative approach to structuring the incredible multilayered story of John Rae and brings it to vibrant life. Using a unique blend of dramatic action, and behind-the-scenes documentary footage, Walker pulls back the curtain on his own research into Rae's life and that of his actors, as they determine how to portray the characters and scenes in the film. The line between real and dramatic begins to blur as we move closer and closer to the film's cilimax, a stunning face-to-face meeting between Charles Dickens's great-great grandson and Tagak Curley, an honoured Inuit statesman who challenges the fraudulent history. In one moment, Walker vaults the story from the past into the present and we are witness to history in the making.

Set in the actual locations of Rae's journey, from his boyhood home in the remote Orkney Islands off Scotland's north coast to the epic landscape of his Arctic expeditions to the boardroom of the British Royal Navy - the centre of power of the British Empire, Passage is a story of incredible sacrifice, stunning distortion of the truth and single-minded obsession. It challenges the way we look at history.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Géographie et Géologie > Arctique canadienExploration et ExpéditionsPortraits
  • Histoire - Canada - Pré-1867 > Exploration
  • Médias > Films documentaires
  • Histoire > Premières explorations canadiennes (1600-1800)


John Walker
John Walker
Andrea Nemtin
Kent Martin
John Walker
producteur exécutif
Bill Nemtin
directeur de la photographie
Kent Nason
photographie additionnelle
Nigel Markham
Andrew Speller
John Walker
Jeff Warren
John Brett
Alex Salter
Jim Rillie
compositeur de la musique
Jonathan Goldsmith
musique originale - production
Jonathan Goldsmith
d'après le livre
Ken McGoogan
Rick Roberts
Geraldine Alexander
David Acton
Andrew Alston
Shaun Austin-Olsen
Nigel Bennett
Alistair Findlay
Colin George
Patrick Godfrey
Simon Slater
James Wallace
Guy Oliver-Watts
Gerald Dickens
Bernadette Dean
distribution artistique
Clare Walker Casting
Jessica Carney Associates
gérant de production
Marlene Rassmusen
Judith Hackett
Susan Baker
Marlene Rassmusen
Kyle Cameron
mise au point
Becky Parsons
Brad Larner
chargeur caméra
Becky Parsons
David Churchill
coordonnateur de production
Clare Richards
Shauna Hatt
coach de dialectes
Aimee Leonard
Alan Shearer
David Nuluk
John Kaunak
conseiller en alpinisme
Derren Foxx
vole à voiles
Maurice Davidson
Ian Richardson
photographe - studio
Gunnie Moberg
Nance Ackerman
Terry Todd
Adam Clarke
Drama Club de Stromness
Phyllis Brown
Ciaran Delaney
Graham Garson
Finlay Harnden
Ross Harnden
Jane Hunter
Philip Mackay
Doreen McLellan
Rose Matheson
Jim Robertson
Bernadette Dean
David Nuluk
John Kaunak
John Kaunak
soutien au camp
Susan Nuluk
Marie Kringuk
Bobby Sanertanut
Gary Natar
Paul, Sr Kanayuk
attelage de chiens
Paul, Sr Kanayuk
danse au tambour
Cecilia Angotialuk
Elizabeth Aglukka
Alice Nanorak
Honore Aglukka
Michel Akkuardjuk
Pasqualina Putulik
John Kaunak
Monica Mapsalak
Jackie Milortok
Marcel Mapsalak
Levi Katokra
Paul Mablik
conseiller à la production
John Huston
Lavinia Warner
directeur du bureau
Marnie Bienias
régie de plateau
Tiffany Muckpah
Lorraine Puqiqnak
Tracy Wallace
Vincent Ningark
Marie Kringuk
Tiffany Muckpah
assistant de production
Guido Tigvareak
Kelly Adams
Gene Kanayok
Gary Natar
Darryl Siusangnark
1er assistant à la réalisation
Stuart J.C. Williams
2e assistant à la réalisation
Kay Robertson
Ralph Cameron
Debra Beers
premier assistant machiniste
Pat Sweeney
opérateur de caméra
Becky Parsons
Steve Kitchen
Roy Furness
Bob Jeffs
Richard Buckley
Jess MacGillivray
machiniste de plateau
David Maund
Paul Munro
Andrew Rillie
Emma Fryer
Jeanie Kimber
Lisa J. Robbie
contribution à l'écriture
Kirstie Edgar
Joanne Hagen
Didi Jolly
Lothar Mayer
conception visuelle
Emanuel Jannasch
assistance à la caméra
Paul Bégin
Darcy Fraser
Andrew Stretch
best boy machiniste
Peter Fraser
technicien - groupe électrogène
David Wishart
décorateur plateaux
Karen Toole
préparation des décors
Mike Holleran
coordination de la construction
Ewen Dickson
réalisation graphique
John Hencher
David Howse
3e assistant à la réalisation
Devin Hillier
assistant directeur de production
Lisa J. Robbie
comptable de production
Wendy Brathwaite
Andrea Romak
Barbara Sears
Elizabeth Klinck
Concetta Principe
conseiller en marine
Gordon Laco
administrateur de centre
John William Lutz
superviseur de production
Patsy Coughran
agent, marketing
Amy Stewart Gallant
animation de la carte
Ian Dunbar
montage son
Alex Salter
mixeur du repiquage
Allan Scarth
coordination PowerPost
Christopher Fost
monteur en ligne
Doug Woods
coordonnateur postproduction
Roz Power
assistant monteur
Trevor Schellinck
Ariel Nasr
Aaron Shapero
Colin Kish
Candice Desormeaux
contrats des musiciens de l'orchestre
Roberto Occhipinti
Hugh Marsh
James Mason
Clare Scholtz
Kathy McLean
producteur associé
Cindy Witten
Michael Kot
Ewan Angus

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix "Ed Higginson" pour meilleure cinématographie remis à Kent NasonAtlantic International Film Festival
  • Meilleur réalisateurAtlantic International Film Festival
  • Meilleur filmReel to Real International Film Festival for Youth and Families
  • Prix "Silver Chris"Festival international du film et de la vidéo
  • Meilleur film canadienWorld Media Festival