Notes on Nuclear War

198359 min 5 secFilm

Réalisation: Tina Viljoen

Production: Tina ViljoenMichael BryansWilliam BrindJohn KramerBarrie Howells

Scénarisation: Gwynne Dyer

This film follows the development of the nuclear arms race from Hiroshima to the nuclear stalemate of today. It examines the Western military-industrial complex and its Warsaw Pact counterpart, and explains how the concept of "limited" nuclear war came to be. Notes on Nuclear War shows the devastating effect of nuclear bombs; American and Soviet physicians describe the medical consequences and the inability of their profession to cope with the casualties. Part six of the seven-part series War, hosted by Gwynne Dyer, examining the nature, evolution and consequences of modern warfare.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Conflits, Guerres et Paix > Force militaireGuerre nucléairePaix et Maintien de la paix


Tina Viljoen
Tina Viljoen
Tina Viljoen
Michael Bryans
William Brind
John Kramer
producteur exécutif
Barrie Howells
Gwynne Dyer
Douglas Kiefer
Kent Nason
Jean-Pierre Lachapelle
Don Virgo
Barry Perles
Hans Oomes
Bev Davidson
Richard Besse
montage sonore
Bill Graziadei
Jean-Pierre Joutel
Larry Crosley
Gwynne Dyer

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix Blue Ribbon - catégorie: Films sur les questions controversées relatives à la course aux armementsItinérant - American Film and Video Festival