Miller Brittain

198157 min 42 secFilm

Réalisation: Kent Martin

Production: Barry CowlingKent MartinRex Tasker

For Miller Brittain, variously described as a mystic, a war hero, a madman and a drunk, there was only one constant--art. Born in Saint John, New Brunswick, in 1912, he painted most of the time in or near that city. Personal, social and religious upheavals were all reflected in his art, in aching, obsessive works that people didn't understand, and much of the time didn't buy, though now they are worth thousands. The film is a powerful reconstruction of the life and career of this misunderstood Maritime painter, and his relation to other Canadian artists.

Autres versions

Catégories de sujets

  • Arts visuels > Provinces de l'AtlantiquePeinturePortraits


Kent Martin
Kent Martin
Barry Cowling
Kent Martin
producteur exécutif
Barry Cowling
Rex Tasker
Kent Nason
caméra d'animation
Jacques Avoine
Raymond Dumas
Ted Haley
montage sonore
Les Halman
Steve Tittle
John Dunsworth
Hans Peter Strobl
Adrian Croll

Prix et récompenses

  • Meilleur film - toutes catégoriesAtlantic International Film Festival
  • Mention d'honneur décernée pour l'utilisation de la musiqueAtlantic International Film Festival
  • Certificat décerné au meilleur documentaireAtlantic International Film Festival