Men of the Deeps

200351 min 37 secFilm: Documentaire

Réalisation: John Walker

Production: Terry Greenlaw (Picture Plant Limited)Kent Martin (National Film Board of Canada)John Walker (John Walker Productions Ltd.)

Scénarisation: John Walker

Produced by John Walker Productions Ltd. and Picture Plant Ltd. in co-production with the National Film Board of Canada with the participation of the Canadian Television Fund, developed and produced in association with CTV with the assistance of the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit, the Nova Scotia Film Industry Tax Credit and developed with the assistance of the Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation.

Men of the Deeps is a moving portrait of a group of former Cape Breton miners gathered together by their love of song. They are all members of the Men of the Deeps chorus, whose performances of traditional and contemporary songs evoke their working lives as miners.

The film shows Cape Breton as a land of astounding physical beauty: mountains dropping away dramatically into the ocean; stunning, luminous skies; rivers cutting their way through lush green valleys. Many of the men began working in the mines as teenagers, and this is the land they left behind every working day. We see them, coal dust filling the grooves on their faces, working side by side in a black pit where death can come at any time.

It's a job to which most of the miners would return without a moment's hesitation.

Featuring 16 outstanding songs, Men of the Deeps captures the grace and dignity of a group of men whose livelihood has been lost but who use their voices to inspire and uplift.

Accéder à l'œuvre

Catégories de sujets

  • Mines et Ressources minières > Provinces de l'AtlantiqueCharbon
  • Musique > Chorales et Chant choral
  • Sciences humaines > Etudes sur le travail
  • Domaine des arts > Musique
  • Géographie > Ressources naturellesTerritoire: régional


John Walker
John Walker
Terry Greenlaw
Kent Martin
John Walker
Hannele Halm
prise de vues
John Walker
preneur de son
Alex Salter
gérant de production
Howard Hutton
Holly Conners
Wendie Muise
opérateur de caméra
Russell Gienapp
assistance à la caméra
Kyle Cameron
Robin L.P. Bain
Dominique Gusset
Chuck Clark
enregistrement sonore supplémentaire
Jane Porter
directeur technique
Dave Bailey
Wendie Muise
Tony Aucoin
Gerald Burke
Fred Gillis
Carmen Hughes
Mickey MacIntyre
Nipper MacLeod
Billy MacPherson
Don Matheson
Marshall Poirier
Eddie Tighe
Jackie Beaton
Kevin Edwards
Matt Hawley
Jude Kelly
Jim MacLellan
Shane MacLeod
Jack MacQueen
Melvin Mugford
Bob Roper
Tommy Tighe
Sen White
Matt Breski
Jerry Forbes
Ray Holland
Ike Lambert
John MacLeod
Philip MacNeil
Alf Matheson
Yogi Muise
Gordon Sheriff
Paul White
coordonnateur postproduction
Brenda Kovrig
libération des droits musicaux
Elizabeth Klinck
montage son
Alex Salter
mixeur du repiquage
Lou Solakofsky
Martin Lee
Sue Chambers
Joanne Rourke
Judy Paul
monteur en ligne
Andrew Mandziuk
montage négatif
Catherine Rankin
assistant au montage image
Sandi King
comptable de production
Michael Foy
Jan Anthony
administrateur de programme
John William Lutz
coordonnateur technique
Claude Cardinal
Patricia Coughran

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix du publicHot Docs
  • Prix d'Excellence du son (David Hillier, Alex Salter) - assorti d'une bourse (500$ en argent et 10,000$ en serviceAtlantic International Film Festival
  • Mention d'honneurAtlantic International Film Festival
  • Prix Gémini décerné à la meilleure interprétation Programme ou série sur les arts ou série ou programme documentaire sur les artsGemini Awards
  • Prix Gémini pour meilleur son pour une comédie/variété/arts - (Alex Salter, Dave Hillier, Martin Lee, Lou Solakofski)Gemini Awards
  • Prix Gémini décerné à la meilleure photographie - film documentaire ou série.Gemini Awards
  • Prix d'Excellence pour la photographie d'un documentaireCanadian Society of Cinematographers Awards