Kuper Island: Return to the Healing Circle

199844 min 30 secFilm: Documentaire

Produced by Gumboot Productions with the financial assistance of Health and Welfare Canada, Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada, Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund, B.C. Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.

This moving docu-drama explores the destructive effects Kuper Island Residential School had on the hundreds of Indigenous children sent there by government agents for almost a century. Now, twenty years after the school was closed, survivors of Kuper Island are embarking on a spiritual journey on Vancouver Island's Tsartlip Reserve to begin healing the deep psychological wounds inflicted by their residential school experience.

Catégories de sujets

  • Éducation et Enseignement > Enfants abusésAutochtones
  • Peuples autochtones au Canada (Premières Nations et Métis) > Colombie-BritanniqueConflit culturelÉducationPensionnats autochtonesProblèmes sociaux