Imperfect Union: Canadian Labour and the Left - Part 2 - Born of Hard Times

198951 min 32 secFilm

Réalisation: Arthur Hammond

Production: Arthur HammondJohn SpottonJohn Taylor

Scénarisation: Arthur Hammond

The world plunges into the Great Depression which, like most leaders, Canada's R.B. Bennett refuses to combat with unbalanced budgets and government spending. Inspired by reports from Russia, many turn to communism for solutions. The 1937 General Motors strike in Oshawa gives the Congress of Industrial Organizations a toehold in Canada, but on the eve of World War II Canada's tiny unions remain blocked by restrictive labour laws and, like the equally tiny Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, locked in struggle with communist rivals. Part 2.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Travail > HistoireSyndicalisation et Mouvement ouvrier
  • Politique et Gouvernement - Canada > Partis politiquesRevendications sociales
  • Histoire - Canada - 1920-1945 > Politique et GouvernementTravail et Relations de travail
  • Sciences humaines > Etudes sur le travail
  • Histoire > Les années 1930Première Guerre mondiale


Arthur Hammond
Arthur Hammond
Arthur Hammond
producteur exécutif
John Spotton
John Taylor
Robert Young
Peter Clements
Jack Morbin
John Kramer
montage sonore
André Galbrand
Antonia McGrath
Jill Frappier