Has Anybody Here Seen Canada? A History of Canadian Movies 1939-1953

19781 h 24 min 37 secFilm: Documentaire

Réalisation: John Kramer

Production: Kirwan CoxMichael McKennireyArthur Hammond

Scénarisation: Donald BrittainJohn Kramer

Co-produced by the NFB, the CBC in association with the Great Canadian Moving Picture Company.

Through rare film footage and interviews with some of the pioneers who made film history, this documentary traces the history of filmmaking in Canada from 1939-1953. It covers the establishment of the National Film Board in 1939; the war years; Canada's first Oscar; and John Grierson's sudden demise as Canada's driving force in the industry. We witness the struggles of the private film producers, the development of the film industry in Québec, and the emergence of the documentary. Above all, the film asks whether the alternating fortunes of the Canadian film industry, in the face of an overwhelming American presence, reflect the attitudes of the Canadian people towards themselves and their culture.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Cinéma > Histoire du cinémaHistoire de l'ONF


John Kramer
John Kramer
Kirwan Cox
Michael McKennirey
producteur exécutif
Arthur Hammond
Donald Brittain
John Kramer
Douglas Kiefer
caméra d'animation
Richard Moras
Raymond Marcoux
Michel Hazel
montage sonore
Abbey Jack Neidik
Jean-Pierre Joutel
Adrian Croll
Michael Kane
Donald Douglas