The First Emperor of China

198942 minFilm


Réalisation: Tony IanzeloLiu Hao Xue

Production: Barrie HowellsPan Han CiMargaret WongWong Guo RenColin NealeMa Ji Long

Scénarisation: Wong Ji ChengLiu Yun HuiRobert Duncan

Co-produced by the NFB and China Xi'an Film Studio with the collaboration of China Film Coproduction Corporation and the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

The story of Qin Shihuang, who conquered six powerful warring states to unify the vast territory of China. In 221 B.C., Qin declared himself emperor of all China. During his reign, he introduced sweeping reforms, built a vast network of roads and connected the Great Wall of China which to this day stretches over 2400 kilometers. Although Qin's empire survived his own death in 210 B.C. by only thirty-six months, his legacy did not perish. From the grandiose inner sanctum of Emperor Qin's royal palace, to fierce battles with feudal kings, this historical drama re-creates the glory and the terror of the Qin Dynasty. The film includes the first documentary footage of Qin's life-sized terra cotta army, constructed almost 2,200 years ago for his tomb. The imperial system he created has endured for thousand of years, proving to be the world's most durable political structure.

Catégories de sujets

  • Politique et Gouvernement > AsiePortraits
  • Pays en développement > ChineHistoire, Politique et GouvernementPortraits
  • Archéologie > Pays étrangersMonde préhistorique
  • Histoire > Personnages historiquesHistoire mondiale
  • Sciences humaines > Comparaison entre les civilisations
  • Éducation civique/À la citoyenneté > Idéologies
  • Histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté > Civilisation néolithique à la renaissance
  • Histoire > Histoire mondiale


Tony Ianzelo
Liu Hao Xue
Barrie Howells
Pan Han Ci
producteur associé
Margaret Wong
Wong Guo Ren
producteur exécutif
Colin Neale
Ma Ji Long
Barrie Howells
Pan Han Ci
Wong Ji Cheng
Liu Yun Hui
Ernest McNabb
Savas Kalogeras
Susan Trow
Claude Beauchemin
Roger Hart
montage sonore
André Galbrand
Danuta Klis
Christopher Plummer
Eldon Rathburn
Zhao Ji Ping
Bo Guan Jin
Wang Guang Hui
Wang Guo Ren
Ma Kun
Cui Luo Wen
Wen Qian
Sun Wei
Yang Ya Zhou
Yang Zhi Ping