Donna's Story (Do not use)

200150 min 57 secFilm

Réalisation: Doug Cuthand

Production: Graydon McCreaJerry Krepakevich

An intimate portrait of a fiercely determined survivor, Donna's Story profiles a Cree woman who left behind a bleak existence on the streets. She has re-emerged as a powerful voice counselling Indigenous adults and youth about abuse and addiction Donna Gamble was raised in foster homes, addicted to drugs and caught up in prostitution by the age of 13. The camera unravels her exhilarating and tumultuous journey: her motivation to turn her life around, her work to keep others off the streets and the renewal of personal relationships with her family and children. With courage and candour, Donna also reveals an ongoing struggle with addiction, exposing the rage and pain of abuse that can haunt even the strongest person. Doug Cuthand's absorbing documentary also introduces Donna's mother and daughters. With extraordinary purpose, these women hope to shatter the cycle of addiction and abuse that has affected generations of their family.

Catégories de sujets

  • Santé et Médecine > Alcool, Drogues et TabacAutochtonesTraitement et Réhabilitation
  • Famille > Violence envers les enfantsViolence familiale
  • Femmes > Communautés culturelles et ImmigrationToxicomanie
  • Peuples autochtones au Canada (Premières Nations et Métis) > Vie familialePortraitsProblèmes sociauxFemmes
  • Sexualité et Reproduction > Abus sexuelProstitution
  • Enfants et Jeunes > Violence faite aux enfants


Doug Cuthand
assistant réalisateur
Tasha Hubbard
Harley Michailuck
directeur de la photographie
George Hupka
photographie additionnelle
Kevin Hogarth
Glen Markwart
machiniste de plateau
Daniel Shingoose
prise de son
Thomas Hale
Lanny Westgard
compositeur de la musique
Ross Nykiforuk
Ross Nykiforuk
Jay Semko
montage son
Downy Karvonen
mixage son
Serge Boivin
Jean Paul Vialard
monteur en ligne
Carey Komadina
correction des couleurs
Joe Owens
assistant de production
Pauline Cuthand
superviseur de production
Kelly Isaac
administrateur de programme
Margaret Smith
producteur associé
June Morgan
Bonnie Thompson
producteur exécutif
Graydon McCrea
Jerry Krepakevich

Prix et récompenses

  • Prix pour le meilleur documentaire de plus de 30 minutesSaskatchewan Showcase