Denis Marleau

20124 min 53 secFilm

Réalisation: Kim Nguyen

Production: René Chénier

Scénarisation: Kim Nguyen

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada in co-operation with the National Arts Centre and the Governor General's Performing Arts Awards Foundation.

This tribute to Denis Marleau takes a simple and forthright approach to one of the major themes of his work: the relationship between material reality and consciousness, or more specifically, Freud’s concept of the Uncanny, which often emerges when dissonance between material reality and consciousness rises to the surface. Produced by the National Film Board of Canada in co-operation with the National Arts Centre and the Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards Foundation on the occasion of the 2012 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Théâtre > Arts du spectacle
  • Domaine des arts > Art dramatique
  • Français, langue maternelle > Littérature et poésie du Quebec


Denis Marleau
Kim Nguyen
Kim Nguyen
Kim Nguyen
directeur de la photographie
Nicolas Bolduc
preneur de son
Claude LaHaye
gérant de production
Virginie Léger
technicien en imagerie numérique
Félix Langlois
musique originale
Frédéric Bégin
montage sonore
Benoît Dame
Geoffrey Mitchell
montage en ligne
Denis Pilon
Gaspard Gaudreau
Paula McKeown
équipe administrative
Diane Ayotte
Michèle Labelle
Karine Desmeules
Diane Régimbald
coordonnateur technique
France Couture
Steve Hallé
administrateur principal de projet
Rachel Punwassie
production déléguée
Francine Langdeau
Jocelyne Perrier
René Chénier