Death by Moonlight: Bomber Command

19911 h 44 min 4 secFilm


Réalisation: Brian McKenna

Production: Arnie GelbartAndré LamyAdam SymanskyDarce FardyD'Arcy O'Connor

Scénarisation: Terence McKennaBrian McKenna

Co-produced by Galafilm Inc., the CBC and the NFB in association with la Société Radio-Canada and with the financial assistance of Telefilm Canada.

From the outset of the Second World War, it had been clear to Britain that air superiority would be the decisive factor in the battle against Hitler's Germany. At airbases all over England and in the skies over Europe, more than 50,000 Canadian airmen served in the campaign to bomb Germany. Ordered to drop their payloads on a remote and faceless enemy below, the airmen of Bomber Command had a thankless job. For those who survived, the sheer terror and sense of helplessness left an indelible scar.

Catégories de sujets

  • Histoire - Canada - 1920-1945 > Forces alliéesForces armées canadiennesSeconde Guerre mondialeOpérations militaires
  • Pays étrangers > AllemagneGrande-BretagneSeconde Guerre mondialeSeconde Guerre mondiale - Opérations militaires
  • Conflits, Guerres et Paix > Souvenirs de guerrePortraitsVétéransSeconde Guerre mondiale
  • Histoire > Histoire mondialeDeuxième Guerre mondiale


Brian McKenna
Arnie Gelbart
André Lamy
Adam Symansky
Darce Fardy
producteur associé
D'Arcy O'Connor
Terence McKenna
Brian McKenna
Neville Ottey
Andrew Binnington
Ian Challis
Robert Jones
Susan Shanks
production déléguée
Mary Armstrong
montage sonore
Bill Graziadei
Bernard Bordeleau
Adrian Croll
Terence McKenna
Graham Campbell
Gilbert Turp
Nicholas Shields
Janne Mortil
Hamish McEwan
Andrew Gillies
Mark Burgess
Patric Creeman
Duncan Ollerenshaw
Joel Wyner