Crazy Moon

19861 h 22 min 36 secFilm: Fiction, Long métrage de fiction

Réalisation: Allan Eastman

Production: Tom BerryStefan Wodoslawsky

Scénarisation: Tom BerryStefan Wodoslawsky

Co-produced by Allegro Films Inc. and the NFB, with the participation of Telefilm Canada and CFCF Television.

The story of two young people: Brooks, a quirky, rich kid who has withdrawn from a bizarre and unfeeling family into his own amusing and eccentric world; and Ann, a free-spirited deaf girl determined to overcome the special circumstances that threaten to isolate her. By reaching out to each other in a tender love affair they try to find their own freedom. Their love is endangered by Brooks's domineering brother, his outrageous family, and by their own fears.

Catégories de sujets

  • Enfants et Jeunes > Comportements à l'adolescenceSexualité et Éducation sexuelleEnfants et Adolescents handicapés
  • Famille > Vie de coupleSanté et MaladieFamilles en difficulté
  • Personnes handicapées > Déficience auditiveRelations interpersonnelles


Allan Eastman
Tom Berry
Stefan Wodoslawsky
Tom Berry
Stefan Wodoslawsky
Savas Kalogeras
production déléguée
Franco Battista
Yves Gendron
Franco Battista
montage sonore
André Galbrand
Hans Peter Strobl
Adrian Croll
Lou Forestieri
Terri Hawkes
Harry Hill
Barbara Jones
Bronwen Mantel
Sean McCann
Eve Napier
Ken Pogue
Peter Spence
Kiefer Sutherland
Vanessa Vaughan