Collection ONF
Coming Home
19731 h 24 min 5 secFilm: Documentaire
Réalisation: Bill Reid
Production: Tom DalyColin Low
Here, film is used as a means of letting a family look in on itself, at the differences of outlook, lifestyle and values that separate the parents and two grown sons. Completely unrehearsed, it is a record on film, edited to viewing length, of a few days' visit back home on the part of the older son (the filmmaker) and of the conversations that took place among the four in a genuine though abortive attempt to reach mutual understanding. The film is an example of the communications barrier that divides many families.
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Catégories de sujets
- Famille > Portraits de famille
- réalisateur
- Bill Reid
- producteur
- Tom Daly
- Colin Low
- photographie
- Barry Perles
- son
- Michel Hazel
- montage
- David Wilson
- montage sonore
- John Knight
- ré-enregistrement
- Jean-Pierre Joutel
Prix et récompenses
- Etrog décerné au meilleur documentaire pour distribution en sallesPrix Génie