C’est toujours à recommencer (English Version)

198027 min 45 secFilm

Réalisation: Michel BraultAndré Gladu

Production: Michel Brault (Nanouk Films Ltée)André Gladu (Nanouk Films Ltée)

Ce titre est une acquisition.

Northern Ontario was developed by French-Canadian lumberjacks and miners at the turn of the 20th century. Franco-Ontarian activist Michelle Trottier talks about their hopes and struggles to have their rights respected. A forestry worker sings of and condemns his exploitation. Fiddler Olivas Gagnon plays while his neighbours dance.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Forêt > Exploitation forestière
  • Francophonie canadienne (à l'exclusion du Québec) > Condition minoritaireOntario
  • Histoire - Canada - 1867-1919 > Ontario


Michel Brault
André Gladu
Michel Brault
André Gladu