A Place Called Chiapas

19981 h 32 min 9 secFilm: Documentaire


Réalisation: Nettie Wild

Production: Betsy CarsonSvend-Erik EriksenNettie Wild

Scénarisation: Nettie WildManfred Becker

Co-produced by NFB and Canada Wild Productions Ltd. in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; British Columbia Film; with the participation of Telefilm Canada; with the assistance of the British Columbia Arts Council; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Canadian Film or Video Tax Credit and with the financial participation of Rogers Documentary Fund; the Canada Television and Cable Production Fund License Fee Program.

On January 1, 1994, the day the North American Free Trade Agreement came into force, the indigenous Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) took over five towns and 500 ranches in southern Mexico. Three years later, the Zapatistas and their charismatic leader, guerrilla poet Subcomandante Marcos, are trapped in the Locandon jungle. Surrounded by 30,000 Mexican troops, they struggle to maintain a nervous ceasefire.

Despite on-going peace talks, hundreds have been killed. Director Nettie Wild travels throughout the jungle canyons of Chiapas to capture the elusive and fragile life of a revolution threatened by right-wing paramilitary death squads. On camera, the death squads accuse the Zapatistas of violence. Off camera, they threaten to kill the film crew.

A Place Called Chiapas provides chilling insight into modern Mexico. Through eight months of filming, Nettie Wild takes the audience with her on a personal journey through fear, hope and illusion.

Catégories de sujets

  • Conflits, Guerres et Paix > Amérique latineQuestion autochtone
  • Pays en développement > Amérique centrale et AntillesAutochtonesGuerres, Conflits et Paix


Nettie Wild
Betsy Carson
Svend-Erik Eriksen
Nettie Wild
Nettie Wild
Manfred Becker
Kirk Tougas
Nettie Wild
Eduardo Herrera
Robin L.P. Bain
Jesus Sanchez Padilla
Robin L.P. Bain
Manfred Becker
Rubén Möller
Daniel Pellerin
Peter Kelly
Joseph Pepe Danza
Salvador Ferreras
Celso Machado
Laurence Mollerup