11 Steps to Survival

197321 min 14 secFilm: Animation

Réalisation: Pierre L'Amare

Production: Robert VerrallPierre L'Amare

Scénarisation: Ronald Dick

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada for Emergency Planning Canada.

A film demonstrating steps to take in the event of a nuclear attack. Animated drawings show the effects of atomic explosions in the air and at ground level. How wide an area is affected by light and heat flash, radiation and radioactive fall-out are clearly illustrated. How to build or improvise a fall-out shelter, what to stock in it, when to take shelter and how long to stay there are similarly explained.

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Catégories de sujets

  • Sécurité et Défense > Ère nucléaire et Guerre froideMesures et Plans d'urgence
  • Conflits, Guerres et Paix > Guerre nucléaire


Pierre L'Amare
Robert Verrall
Pierre L'Amare
Ronald Dick
Simon Leblanc
Cameron Gaul
Richard Moras
montage sonore
John Knight
Jean-Pierre Joutel
Richard Capener
Terence Harrison
Earl Pennington